Amazing God

We all have our own definition of amazing.

To me, In every way possible God is amazing. His ability to love the broken, build up the insecure, and see our potential I would never be able to fully understand. Furthermore His ability to provide.

He has been blessing me over and over again. And I am humbled that He would hear my heart, even in the most simple things.

Ever since my 27th birthday in November, I began to experience God in a whole new way. He has been blessing me with my wants in a seasom of needs. I’ve been unemployed since May. And that should tell it all. Because in seasons such as this you don’t get to have your wants. Or so they say.

I just want to share a few of the things God has done for me.
We overcome by the word of our testimony.

1) New hair color
2) Visit to the salon
3) Tickets to Beauty and The Beast at the Fox Theater
4) Trip to NY
5) LION KING on Braodway
6) iPhone (which was stolen last year and couldn’t be replaced)
7) Attend art class until I become employed (or can pay again)
9) Funds for GRE
10) Shoes and clothes galore

This is all from Him and this isn’t even half of it…I have a jar full of blessings, literally, that I fill each time God blesses me.


My challenge to you today is to start a blessing jar, each time God blesses you with a want or a need, add it and see how much it fills up! I can already tell I’m going to need a big jar!

Anchored in Zion
R Jael